Roadside Attraction: NE Sandy Boulevard from 57th Avenue to 82nd Avenue, Portland Oregon.
A Lecture/Performance for Oregon Heritage Society Conference, Albany, Oregon 2014
The lecture included video and sound pieces, a trading card game, interviews, geocaching, historical research, drawings and street sculptures.

Sweeping Sandy: Or, just how sandy is Sandy Boulevard really?
In 1921a campaign to rename Sandy Boulevard begins because the name “Sandy’ was thought to infer a dirt road (and lower the tone of the area).
But just how sandy is Sandy Boulevard?
Find the sand content in one square yard of Sandy Boulevard = 0.41 ounces
Calculate the surface yardage of Sandy Boulevard
(Length) 22176 yards x (width) 18 yards = 399168 square yards
399168 square yards x 0.41oz of sand = 163658.88 ounces
163658.88oz = 5.11434 tons
Which brings us to the conclusion that Sandy Boulevard has 5.11434 tons of sand on its surface.

Sandy Boulevard Trading Cards

Setting the Tone
On February 9th 2014 I made field recordings at various locations on NE Sandy Boulevard (between 57th to 82nd Ave). Using these recording I could ascertain that the
Tone of the Area (as of February 9th 2014) is G flat.

Cuddly Jug
A soft sculpture made from contents of a free-box found outside the Sandy Jug.
Very Poetic of Not at all
Archive of letters to the editor discussing the potential renaming of Sandy Boulevard.

Triangular Plots of NE Sandy Blvd, between 57th and 82nd Ave
According to Feng Shui, triangular plots are unlucky to build on. Plots in red have abandoned building or shuttered business.